Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a critical metric used in manufacturing to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of production equipment. It provides a comprehensive view of how well a manufacturing operation is running and helps identify areas for improvement. OEE is expressed as a percentage, with a perfect score being 100%, which indicates that production is running at its full potential.

OEE is calculated based on three key factors:
This factor measures the percentage of scheduled time that the equipment is actually running. It accounts for downtime events such as machine breakdowns, setup, and adjustments. If the equipment is down for any reason, this will negatively impact the Availability score<
Performance measures how fast the equipment is operating compared to its maximum designed speed. This factor considers any delays or slowdowns in the production process, such as running at reduced speeds or minor stops. Performance is calculated by comparing the actual speed of production to the ideal speed.
Quality assesses the percentage of produced items that meet quality standards on the first pass, without requiring rework or causing scrap. This factor ensures that only good products are counted toward production efficiency.